We start in a junk yard. More than that, this is a commercial salvage yard,
where trash and treasure are found in nearly equal measure. Minimum wage
workers gather in the morning to sift through the trash, but one man’s trash
is another man’s treasure.
As adults we often struggle with the things that happen to us in our
childhood. The same is true for LJ (12) and his tragedy is horrific. Denial,
embarrassment, and vengeance creates an emotional detachment from his
parents that affects him into adulthood and beyond.
A single moment can change the trajectory of a future and be complicit in
a spiritual Death. LJ is desperate for attention, acceptance, and love of his
father. He doesn’t receive it and the damage is exceptional, as his teenage
years are a spiral into anger and depression.
MJ (30s) suffers as well. As a man he struggles with male relationships, women,
holding a job, and darker temptations without the anchor of the Almighty.
The lack of an anchor leaves him to make one bad decision after another. When
obstacles are placed in front of him, he fails to see them as opportunities.
However, MJ comes to the point where all his decisions come home to roost
and he has nowhere else to turn.
Making the right decision here and accepting the Word is the only chance he
has at a new Birth.
Our last story is of Old Man John (60-70), who not so coincidentally drives a
truck. Benefiting from a choice he made to follow Jesus, he shares his experiences
with other truckers along the symbolic highways of the country. He reflects on
his travels and shares what he sees as a treasure found among the trash and how
each one of us can receive the gift of Life.
COPYRIGHT © onemanstreasuremovie 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED